Traveling to Cambodia in 2022 and What to expect

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Traveling to Cambodia in 2022 and What to expect

The next best things happening in Cambodia's Travel Industry.

In November, Cambodia started to open its borders and remove travel restrictions that had been in place since March 2020.

Having spent 7 months in Europe, I decided it was time to return to Cambodia.

I was anxious, and don’t get me wrong; travel is one of my true passions.

I work in the travel industry, and exploring both new and old places is what I truly love, but I also know that travel has changed, and it’s not to “only jump on a plane.”

So, what can you expect as a traveler returning to Cambodia or anywhere in Southeast Asia as rules and restrictions are similar?

Be prepared that travel has changed and my biggest advice to you is to keep yourself updated as things can change very quickly.

I had an amazing team on the ground who could guide me and help with any questions I had.

The pre-departure process

The documents you need are: Proof of vaccination, visa, pre-departure PCR test, and I would highly recommend travel insurance.

I applied for my visa in advance as all visas on arrival are suspended at the moment.

Once the visa was proved, it was time to book a flight.

It was important for me to find a flight with good (the shortest) connections as I have to do two transfers to arrive in Cambodia and PCR tests are only valid for a certain amount of time.

All airlines and transfer destinations have different requirements, so it is important to keep an eye on these as well.

Having booked my flight, I booked a PCR test. I needed to find a testing clinic that could accommodate Cambodia’s very specific requirements.

The test can’t be more than 72 hours old before arrival. It has to be original and have a wet signature and original stamp.


This is not the easiest as everything is digital in Sweden stamps are no longer used. It took a few calls, but after explaining my situation, I found a clinic that was willing to do this for me.

The day before departure, I went and got my test and picked up my negative result later the same day.

Day of travel

Check-in was a breeze.

As long as you have all the documents you need, you are fine.

My documents were checked and verified twice, once in Sweden and once in Germany.

  • Be prepared to put on your mask as soon as you enter the airport and not take it off before arrival.
  • If you forget, you will be reminded.
  • Social distancing rules are in place everywhere, and even if my flights were quite busy, the airlines did everything to space passengers out.


My one concern was delayed. What happens if I am delayed and miss a connection, and the PCR test is no longer valid?

Again, I had done my research before and knew that if this was the case, all I needed was a letter from the airline and not to leave the transit areas, and I would be let into Cambodia.

My flight from Frankfurt to Singapore ended up being delayed, and I was going to miss the flight to Phnom Penh. After speaking to the chief stewardess on the plane, I found out that all aircraft in Singapore were being held back to make sure people could make their connections.

It is more hassle for the airline to have passengers with timed PCR tests miss a connection than to hold back a plane.

As we arrived in Singapore, they disembarked passengers by plane connection. I got off the plane first as my flight was waiting for me.

Arrival in Cambodia

I booked a seat as upfront as possible as I knew that the arrival process took time. As you disembark and enter the terminal, the process starts.

The first stop verifies your documents, so make sure you have your documents ready and that you have completed the three forms you receive on the flight (health declaration form, immigration form, and custom form) as you will be sent to the back of the queue if you haven’t.

It is also important to have all your boarding passes as you might be asked for these as well. You move on to immigration and then luggage collection as soon as you get the ok stamp.

The last stop is your rapid test. You line up, and all of your documents are checked again. Take the test and move on to the waiting area.

The waiting time is 10-20 minutes, and after your name is called, you are free to leave the airport. The whole arrival process takes 30-90 minutes, depending on where you were sitting on the plane.

So, I’m trying to say with this text that you will be fine, it seems like a lot, but it is fine. Be patient as everyone is adjusting to the “new normal,” and a smile will get you far.

Keep yourself updated, and the great thing about having someone organizing the trip for you is that they will keep themselves updated for you and will guide you through the whole process.



Traveling to South East Asia may improve your quality of life, and we’ll be writing about it every week.

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